Product code 95665000
Technical data
Product range |
Product name |
Product code |
Finish & Product code
Construction year |
Crometta S
Showerpipe 240 1jet with thermostatic shower mixer
Showerpipe 240 1jet with thermostatic shower mixer | 27267000 |
> 06/19
04/16 - 05/19
Crometta E
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart Reno
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart Reno | 27289000 |
> 04/16
Crometta E
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart with thermostatic shower mixer
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart with thermostatic shower mixer | 27281000 |
> 12/20
04/16 - 11/20
Crometta E
Showerpipe 240 1jet with thermostatic shower mixer
Showerpipe 240 1jet with thermostatic shower mixer | 27271000 |
> 12/21
04/16 - 11/21
Crometta S
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart with thermostatic shower mixer
Showerpipe 240 1jet EcoSmart with thermostatic shower mixer | 27268000 |
> 04/16
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